Tuesday 29 January 2013


I know I haven't written on this blog in a while, but I've been very busy with life and finishing my course!
So, it's official: I have completed my Certificate III in Children's Services, and I am now a qualified Child Care Assistant! =D

My tip for today is this: use positive language with children, not negative, whether or not they do the right thing. Of course, you can teach them right from wrong, and so should you, but you can do it in a more positive way using positive language.

Positive (words/sentences to say):

Thank you for helping me with the cleaning up.
Thank you for putting your toys away/clearing the table.
You're a very good helper!
Use your walking feet inside and your running feet outside.
Use your words
Use your talking voice inside
Use your quiet voice inside/at rest time.
Use your hands for helping; if you swing your arms your hands are going to hurt somebody. (Use this depending on the child's age and stage of development.)
Use your feet for walking; if you swing your feet it may hit my friend and hurt them.

Negative (words to leave out):

No, you can't paint!
You're being very naughty right now/picking at that is very naughty!
You mustn't yell or run inside!
Don't do that, but do this!
Don't hit or kick!
Never knock the blocks down!
A big one: Suck it up!

Use positive words and if they're doing something undesirable like kicking down blocks, redirect the child. I know one child was sucking on my drumsticks (sticks for the drum, not meat or anything like that) and instead of telling her to get it out of her mouth, as that was yucky, I redirected her and told her what I wanted her to do by saying, "why don't you play that on the drum?" She did it, too, as I was suggesting the best way of doing things, not telling her off.

Well, that's my tip for the day.


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